Photo of Kristina Lyke
Photo of Kristina Lyke

Putting the fear of justice into opposing counsel.

Photo of Kristina Lyke

What The Clients Have To Say

The following represent a sampling of actual client testimonials over the past year. If you would like to add your own testimonial or just share your experiences, please contact us.

“Kristina has integrity. She is honest, persistent and selfless as to her client’s needs. ”

– James


“I was warned by several people that my child custody case was going to be difficult, and indeed it’s been a multiyear battle with many twists and turns. But we’ve won every judgment we wanted, every single time. I almost feel bad for [the other party]. Almost.”

– A.


“My husband and I heard about Lyke Law PLLC from a mutual friend. We were desperate for a good attorney who could handle our case with a knowledge and understanding of both family law and more specifically friend of the court operations. Ms. Lyke has been with us every step along the way, and we are grateful we made the decision we did when we did.”

– L. B.


“For when you need a passionate, zealous defense of the truth, she knows when to be tough, and how.”

– John